Saturday, November 13, 2010

Getting Started With Bodybuilding For Women

Women can be bodybuilders just as men can but the important thing to note is that since a woman's body is different, she will have many different needs when it comes to bodybuilding. She may do different exercises and routines and will have to adjust her diet differently from that of a male bodybuilder or a female who does not engage in bodybuilding activities.

With female bodybuilding becoming more and more mainstream, a lot of women are learning about their unique needs and how best to shape their body and encourage muscle growth for bodybuilding. If women want to cut and enhance their muscles, they must learn as much as possible about their bodies and how they work.

Women are designed by nature to be different from men in various aspects so the techniques which work for a male bodybuilder will not produce the same results in a female. One of the best ways for a female bodybuilder to build her muscles is through weight training. Cardiovascular workouts are also going to be very important to be sure that you burn extra calories and keep the heart healthy. This will increase your stamina as well.

What are the steps to getting started with women's bodybuilding? Here are some ideas:

As a woman, you must first start with fat loss. Women generally have more fat than men and this fat covers the muscles and makes it difficult to see them even if they are well cut and built up. Women average about 18-24% body fat and men usually fall in the 14-18% range.

Track your progress. Keep a journal to write down where you are, when you begin and how much progress you make on a weekly basis. Be sure to keep a daily track of what exercises you do, weight training and much more. This will help you know when you need to increase your workout as well.

Remember the importance of your diet. Your body tends to process food a whole lot differently than that of a man.

Watch your weight loss. It's natural for people to want to lose fat but if you lose body fat too quickly, you might end up losing muscle as well. If you don't want to lose any muscle mass, the ideal amount of weight that you should lose on a weekly basis should be between 1-2 pounds

Workout 3-4 times a week using both weight training and aerobic exercise. This allows you to tone, build muscle mass and gain strength.

Eat a high protein diet and avoid complex carbohydrates as much as possible. You may try protein shakes, poultry, fish, cheese and eggs.

Be sure to always drink lots of water to hydrate the body and cleanse it of toxins.

Don't take in more daily calories than you burn. This will cause you to gain weight from fat instead of muscle.

These bits of advice will help you get started easily when it comes to female bodybuilding; one more great idea is to locate a personal trainer that has a record of working with female bodybuilders and helping them achieve results. This way you get the advice of an expert in the field and you know when you are veering off your desired path and goals.

Guy Starbuck is a Super Geek and Health Phreak who writes for, and

Friday, November 12, 2010

Exercise For Women Over 40

The last of the baby boomer turned forty in the year 2000, and this is a generation that has revealed that it has no intention of going gently into old age or declining health! Many women fear the age of forty as the beginning of an inevitable decline but when you take a real look around, you'll see that nothing could be further from the truth. Women of this age and older are maintaining healthy lifestyles, exploring new types of exercise and in some cases are far healthier than they were while they were in their twenties and thirties!

When you are looking for a way to stay in shape, don't think of an exercise regimen that will sap your energy and make you groan every time to do it. You'll find that if you really have an interest in a particular activity, you will do it for longer than you intended to, do it more regularly and be less resentful every time you do it. If possible, you can take some time to learn a new activity that will let you accomplish a life goal. Have you ever wanted to snorkel off the Great Barrier Reef? Take some time to become a better swimmer. Have you ever wanted to hike the Appalachian Trail? Give yourself a year to get in shape to do just that.

You can also find exercise that will make you feel more womanly and help you remember that you are beautiful no matter what your age is. Look at various types of dancing and realize that there's never a bad time to dance. Belly dancing is a great way to emphasize your favorite parts of yourself, while jazz, tap and traditional Irish dance can get your heart going like nothing else will!

Remember that boredom and frustration are some of the biggest things that keep us from exercising, so shake it up. Find one activity that you really like, whether that is rock climbing, ju jitsu or dance, and pick up other activities to help you do it. For instance, when warming up to tackle a rock climbing wall, some yoga is a great thing to get you started. Learning yoga can complement the rock climbing and keep your routine interesting.

Similarly, remember that your exercise should suit you in terms of convenience and that it should fit into your day easily. Can you easily get to the gym, or do you need something that you can do at home? Also, remember that there's no reason you can't start slow and work your way up. It can take as much as 3 months to see change so be patient, with yourself and whatever program you've decided on. Be safe as well, and start with a lot of good stretching and remember to dress appropriately.

Shake Weight Review - Can It Deliver?

Review of The Shake Weight as seen on TV.

Infomercials for weight loss and muscle building programs have been around as long as the TV itself. Every now and then a product comes along that really stands out an captures peoples attention, and this is it.

This article is intended to provide you with a quick product review and see if this tinny little piece of fitness equipment is all that claims. I will attempt to answer the following questions for you...

is it for me...

will it help me build strength...

can it help improve muscle definition?

There is no question of the popularity of this product. Due to its huge success the Shake Weight, originally designed and promoted to women, was later introduced to men with a male version. Now with two versions, one for men and one for females. Both are essentially the same, only a few minor differences so this review can apply equally to both.

Resembling a traditional dumbbell the shake weight comes in two different sizes. A 2.5 pound version for women and a 5 pound model for men. What makes this product so special is what they refer to as a new workout technology called dynamic inertia. Not sure how technical or new it is as it kind of reminds me of the Bodyblade. They describe their technology as low level vibration and inertia to train the body. Sound similar, it does to me.

The Shake Weight uses two springs and a small weight to generate dynamic inertia. When moved the weight bounces or vibrates between the two springs to increase muscle activity as compared to the solid construction of a traditional dumbbell that.

Website Claims

increases muscle activity by more than 300% compared to traditional weights
incredible results in just 6 minutes a day
build definition, size and strength in less time
get strong sexy sculpted arms
7 times more effective than a dumbbell
build upper body strength

Product Review

The women's version is $20 and the men's is $30 not sure why the difference but not a bad price. So it get a pass on affordability. So many of the health and fitness products on the market are way overpriced, but I think this is fair in comparison.

Very portable, you can take it anywhere, you do not need much room so you workout anywhere. Again nice thing to have in a piece of fitness equipment.

From what I can tell those are the best two features of this product. I will admit the convince factor is a big plus. Everyone is so busy it is nice to have the option to workout out when you have a free moment and this products allows that.

Lets Look at The Promises

increases muscle activity by more than 300% compared to traditional weights
7 times more effective than a dumbbell

These statements were based on a few test they did. From what I understand the tests were not equal. I have seen reports that they compared their workout to biceps curls. Shaking a weight at different angles and varying speeds is not close to a seated biceps curl. An isolation movement does not involve the same muscles as standing and shaking. Clearly not an equal test. Plus you would never do a biceps curl to help you lose weight.

That renders this statement useless. The study they based their findings on may be different but it is not clearly published so I cannot put any validity to their claim of more muscle activity or more effective.

For guys looking to add muscle mass this product will not do a thing for you. You will feel a burn but it will not come close to doing what a conventional weight program will do. At just 5 pounds you will quickly adapt to this low weight.

incredible results in just 6 minutes a day

This just isn't enough time. You burn about 4 calories a minute walking, not much but the shake weight is more intense than a slow walk.

OK, a slow jog burns about 10 in the same time frame. Still not intense enough to compare to the shake weight.

Well than, how about this...

If you could sprint as fast as a world class sprinter and run the 100m in 10 seconds then maintain that speed for a mile it would take you about 2 and a half minutes and burn 125 calories to cover a mile. If you think the shake weight can compete with that than you will burn about 300 calories in that 6 minute workout.

That still is not many calories, definitely not enough to make a difference that you would notice in a week or two as they claim.

From my research, personal experience and from training individuals I have to say that the shake weight is a scam. It can not live up to it's promises. It will not build muscle, it will not help you lose weight, it will not help you look good naked. You will feel a burn, but shake a soup can for 6 minutes straight and you will fell the same way. Bottom line stay away from this fitness product.

Discover the best way to lose weight and burn fat.

If you are looking to get real results stick with what works. You can't go wrong with a body weight workout if you are looking to burn fat and transform your body.

Exercises to Lose Weight

Visit the link below to give this fat burning body shaping workout a try. You do not need any equipment, and it can be done anywhere in about 30 minutes. Watch the video for exercise descriptions printout the workout, get your favorite music pumping and get a killer fat busting workout in...

For more information on calories, including how to calculate precisely how many you should consume based on your age, activity and personal goals, and for even more practical, proven fat loss techniques to help you lose body fat safely, healthfully and permanently, be sure to grab your free copy now.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

How to Lose Belly Fat - For Women and Men, Naturally

You probably do not realize that whether you are a bodybuilder or a couch potato, and you are trying to build muscle, stay lean or just lose unwanted body fat, respectively, you can attribute at least 70% of your success OR failure to your nutrition.

The dilemma of how to lose belly fat, for women and men, is not equally frustrating, unfortunately, women have a slower metabolism, less muscle, higher body fat percentage and more hormone issues to deal with. This is not to say that these methods are less effective for women than men, it just means that the effects of poor nutrition and how you eat more quickly affects your body composition.

Conversely, this is also not to say that men do not also face the same problems, just generally on a lesser level; yes even hormone issues that affect body weight and fat.

If you eat too many calories, you get fat, if you eat too little you fail to make the gains you're looking for; but also, you can get fat from not eating enough calories, and eating the wrong foods; even from eating them at the wrong times and in the wrong combinations!

Firstly, there are some common denominators among all the people that are overweight and want to learn how to lose belly fat, for women or men, naturally.

1. Skipping Breakfast- when you sleep, however long that may be, your body is actually starving, and it breaks down muscle to provide energy for that time period. When you wake up, it is IMPERATIVE that you eat breakfast, and even better would be to drink a small whey protein shake to reverse the effects of catabolism.

2. Only eating 1-3 times daily - when you eat, your body has to burn calories to expend energy to digest and process the food; so the more times you eat in a day, the higher your metabolism will be.

3. Not eating enough calories - your body needs so many calories just to maintain basic body functions, and then depending on your level of activity, and current metabolism, calories to fuel your activity. If you eat too little, the body goes into starvation mode, and stores what you eat as fat; it is a safety mechanism. Your metabolism slows down, and your body's ability to process calories decreases.

4. Eating too much in one sitting - not only do total calories consumed matter, the amount of calories in any given meal largely impact weight loss and weight gain. The body can only process a certain amount of calories at one time.

5. Doing way too much exercise, and not fueling the body to perform that exercise - just like above, if you are expending energy, that energy normally comes from food; when you are not even eating enough calories to fuel basal body functions, and THEN add exercise to it, you are creating the perfect environment for weight gain.

Why? Because your body is breaking down your muscle tissue to fuel itself, and with less muscle, comes a slower metabolism, and the burning of fewer calories. So even if you eat less, your body is less able to process those calories, and 'viola', you STILL gain body fat!

Also, you should really strive to limit, if not eliminate EMPTY calories, like alcohol, and foods that are excessively starchy, like potatoes and such.

Your body is a complex machine, and it takes a combination of protein, carbohydrates and fat, (macro-nutrients) not to mention vitamins and minerals (micro-nutrients) for it to function at it's peak; it takes these things all working synergistically. (together. one of these cannot perform it's function to the fullest, without the other)

One more thing. If you are not eating enough, or well, or regularly, and you are taking vitamins, you are wasting your money on them. Vitamins are not designed to be a replacement for wholesome whole foods; they are designed to work in conjunction with the foods you eat. The "secret" of how to lose belly fat fast, for women and men, naturally is really no secret.

Your eating habits affect your hormones, and hormones regulate EVERYTHING!

P.S. Did you know that you can "trick" your body into losing weight by eating a different amount of calories each day? As long as you meet your body's basal calorie requirements for the week, you can "zig-zag" your calories to keep your body guessing. It REALLY WORKS!

Learn more about how to lose belly fat [] fast for women and men, naturally

Blog: How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat [] Fast

Lose Weight Fast Diet - For Women Only

Here's a "lose weight fast diet" specifically designed for women only. Women will thrive on this diet. In fact, you won't even feel like you're on a weight loss diet.

What I'm going to do is give you a rough outline to work off of. This way, you can choose your options and take "ownership" of the diet to suit your needs. Since I don't know you and have never met you, it would be idiotic to just give a general diet since every woman is different.

Lose Weight Fast Diet

1. Work around the edges of your diet

What does that mean... it means start with snacks and snacking. From thousands of clients that I've advised, I find this is the best way to start a weight loss diet for women.

So I want you to eat these as snacks.... apples, bananas, grapes, low calorie yogurts (under 80 calories), black olives, dill pickles with a slice of cheese, string cheese, and beef jerky

That's a wide variety of foods to satisfy different taste urges.

Apples are my top choice. If you just did one thing... eat 3 apples a day as snacks, you'd lose 2 pounds a month for 2-4 months straight.

What these snacks do is start "bridging you" from meal to meal. A healthy bridge... and that bridge will get longer and longer until from morning to night, it's just 1 long healthy bridge you're one.

2. Have small doses of protein throughout the day to speed up your metabolism

You can use protein shakes, chicken breasts, lean meats, black beans, eggs (I'm big on eggs), lentils, tuna... whatever. It's better to have 4-5 small meals than 2-3 big meals. This keeps your digestive system from being overburdened, keeps your blood sugar levels more normalized, and you maintain high energy levels.

3. Eat eggs everyday

I just touched on eggs, but I highly suggest you start the day out with some scrambled eggs. Why... because if you skip breakfast or eat a bad breakfast, you play "calorie catch-up" the rest of the day. When you do that, you will gravitate towards junk and convenience foods that have lots of useless sugar and calories in them.

4. Don't drink empty calories or diet sodas

Empty calories are those sodas and juices that pack in tons of sugar and calories. The average American now takes in OVER 25% of his/her calories from what they drink. Very bad news! With the exception of protein shakes, avoid calories in your drinks. Stick with water and teas.

So work with this "lose weight fast diet" outline to come up with something you can use and be happy with in your efforts to lose weight.

If you're sick and tired of getting the same old boring and tired lose weight fast diet advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, and blah blah blah"... then you found the right person. I'll make weight loss easy and enjoyable for you... AND NOT BORING!

First, click to get your free 19-page report "How Spinning Around in a Circle Like a 4-year old Child will Skyrocket your Weight Loss Success". This will give you a jumpstart on how to lose 10 pounds fast.

Second... after you get the free report, you'll be sent inside my website for even more unique and little known weight loss tips, tricks, techniques, and tactics. These unconventional tricks are a "shortcut" way on how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks... no mention of eating carrots or celery. I promise.

Third, with my advice, you won't starve, have to go to the gym ever, or basically do anything that is a hassle for your busy life. Listen, I understand you want to lose weight fast with a diet, but without changing much in your diet or exercise plans... I get it. I have this completely covered. I've worked with over 3,700 clients. I know a 1-size fits all plan doesn't work. So I've come up with lots of "tricks" to personalize weight loss specifically for you and your lifestyle.

Fourth... there is no fourth. Just enjoy the free report and my website. If you don't lose 10 pounds with just my free information... I'd be amazingly surprised!

Jennifer Jolan

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Medifast Plus Shakes - Medifast Plus For Women's Health

In addition to their weight loss product line, Medifast makes some specialty shakes for various health issues, known as Medifast Plus. One of these product lines is the Medifast Plus for Women's Health shakes.

Just don't let the name fool you. Medifast Plus for Women's Health is specifically formulated to help women who are dealing with menopausal issues. So if you are in your 20s or 30s, you shouldn't need to worry about this for quite awhile yet. If you are approaching menopause though, or have already been dealing with its effects for awhile, then you might want to take a look at the Medifast Plus formula, even if you don't need to lose weight.

Designed with generally the same ingredients as their regular product line, the plus in Medifast Plus for Women's Health comes from some additional ingredients. These are Echinecea purpurea, black cohosh and chaste tree berry. These are all herbal ingredients which can help reduce some of your menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweats, mood swings, headaches and other symptoms. Most of their products are also soy-based, and for some women, increasing the soy protein in their diet can help relieve menopause symptoms as well, due to soy's similarity to estrogen. Soy is what is known as a phyto-estrogen.

Actually, since soy is quite capable of mimicking some of the effects of estrogen, you should talk to your doctor if you are on any kind of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopause before you start using Medifast. And I think this goes for both their regular shakes and their Medifast Plus shakes. You may find that by using Medifast, you can cut down on the amount of HRT that you take.

If you do decide to use Medifast Plus shakes for Women's Health to see if it will help with your menopausal symptoms, start with adding one or two shakes per day and see how you feel in a week or two. And if you are want to use the Women's Health shakes as part of your weight loss plan, just remember that you will not be replacing all of your Medifast products with the Women's health product. You'll simply be using Medifast Plus to replace one to three of your other meals each day. For the rest of your meals, you'll still be doing the regular Medifast foods and don't forget your lean & green meal!

If you'd like to try Medifast Plus, Medifast usually runs some great specials. To find out more about their program and how you can get two weeks of Medifast products for free, be sure to read my Medifast system Review.

Jenni Kerala reviews many popular diet plans. If you are planning on losing weight with Medifast, be sure to check out her tips for Medifast diet success for ideas on how to get the most out of this great weight loss program.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Diet and Nutrition Tips For Women

Here are a few diet and nutrition tips for women that'll help you out in your effort to lose weight and be healthy. I'm not going to be unrealistic here. I can give you a great diet that I know you won't use, but I won't do that. I'm going to give you practical information that is easy for you to use immediately.

Diet and Nutrition Tips for Women

1. Have a 12-ounce, 1/2 scoop protein shake with each meal

Simple huh? If you say no, then I urge you to use shaker bottles and pre-fill them with 1/2 scoop of protein powder and 12 ounces of water. Bring 1-2 of them with you. They're small. Then when you're about to eat, take it out, shake it, then drink with your meal.

Why do this? Because if you think about it, you're body is made of protein. It kinda needs it. Protein speeds up the metabolism and helps to dampen your appetite too. This is a no-brainer. You can get a 2 pound jug of good protein powder at Wal-Mart for about $14. This will last you almost 3 weeks if you used it as outlined above.

2. Eat a lot of low calorie yogurts

I'll go back to Wal-Mart for this. At 33 cents a yogurt, you can load up on 80 calorie yogurts. These snacks are great and convenient. Minimum calories while filling you up pretty good. Heck, go nuts. Eat 3 of these a day. Big deal. What is that, a "WHOPPING" 240 calories. Pfft. That's nothing. Yet it helps tide you over between meals.

These are 2 simple diet and nutrition tips for women that you can do right now... today.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!

Jennifer Jolan