Thursday, November 11, 2010

How to Lose Belly Fat - For Women and Men, Naturally

You probably do not realize that whether you are a bodybuilder or a couch potato, and you are trying to build muscle, stay lean or just lose unwanted body fat, respectively, you can attribute at least 70% of your success OR failure to your nutrition.

The dilemma of how to lose belly fat, for women and men, is not equally frustrating, unfortunately, women have a slower metabolism, less muscle, higher body fat percentage and more hormone issues to deal with. This is not to say that these methods are less effective for women than men, it just means that the effects of poor nutrition and how you eat more quickly affects your body composition.

Conversely, this is also not to say that men do not also face the same problems, just generally on a lesser level; yes even hormone issues that affect body weight and fat.

If you eat too many calories, you get fat, if you eat too little you fail to make the gains you're looking for; but also, you can get fat from not eating enough calories, and eating the wrong foods; even from eating them at the wrong times and in the wrong combinations!

Firstly, there are some common denominators among all the people that are overweight and want to learn how to lose belly fat, for women or men, naturally.

1. Skipping Breakfast- when you sleep, however long that may be, your body is actually starving, and it breaks down muscle to provide energy for that time period. When you wake up, it is IMPERATIVE that you eat breakfast, and even better would be to drink a small whey protein shake to reverse the effects of catabolism.

2. Only eating 1-3 times daily - when you eat, your body has to burn calories to expend energy to digest and process the food; so the more times you eat in a day, the higher your metabolism will be.

3. Not eating enough calories - your body needs so many calories just to maintain basic body functions, and then depending on your level of activity, and current metabolism, calories to fuel your activity. If you eat too little, the body goes into starvation mode, and stores what you eat as fat; it is a safety mechanism. Your metabolism slows down, and your body's ability to process calories decreases.

4. Eating too much in one sitting - not only do total calories consumed matter, the amount of calories in any given meal largely impact weight loss and weight gain. The body can only process a certain amount of calories at one time.

5. Doing way too much exercise, and not fueling the body to perform that exercise - just like above, if you are expending energy, that energy normally comes from food; when you are not even eating enough calories to fuel basal body functions, and THEN add exercise to it, you are creating the perfect environment for weight gain.

Why? Because your body is breaking down your muscle tissue to fuel itself, and with less muscle, comes a slower metabolism, and the burning of fewer calories. So even if you eat less, your body is less able to process those calories, and 'viola', you STILL gain body fat!

Also, you should really strive to limit, if not eliminate EMPTY calories, like alcohol, and foods that are excessively starchy, like potatoes and such.

Your body is a complex machine, and it takes a combination of protein, carbohydrates and fat, (macro-nutrients) not to mention vitamins and minerals (micro-nutrients) for it to function at it's peak; it takes these things all working synergistically. (together. one of these cannot perform it's function to the fullest, without the other)

One more thing. If you are not eating enough, or well, or regularly, and you are taking vitamins, you are wasting your money on them. Vitamins are not designed to be a replacement for wholesome whole foods; they are designed to work in conjunction with the foods you eat. The "secret" of how to lose belly fat fast, for women and men, naturally is really no secret.

Your eating habits affect your hormones, and hormones regulate EVERYTHING!

P.S. Did you know that you can "trick" your body into losing weight by eating a different amount of calories each day? As long as you meet your body's basal calorie requirements for the week, you can "zig-zag" your calories to keep your body guessing. It REALLY WORKS!

Learn more about how to lose belly fat [] fast for women and men, naturally

Blog: How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat [] Fast

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