Thursday, November 4, 2010

Crazy Diets For Women and Why They Don't Work

Because I am a woman I can say this: we do some crazy things to lose weight! Women often go overboard to try and find the easiest and quickest weight loss methods to see results by any means necessary.

From eating nothing but grapefruit for a week or drinking a special concoction of cayenne pepper and lemon juice to help shed some serious L-Bs in a short, sometimes very short time frame.

The probably with these quick diet tricks is that they don't do anything for you long term. Sure you lose some weight but it isn't real weight loss. That's because short term diets do more harm than good...

You lower your metabolism because you're body thinks you are a in a state of starvation. Which means when you start eating again, which you will, the weight comes right back on... fast.

When you lose weight quickly the biggest culprit if water weight. Making sure you are hydrated by drinking up to 3 liters of water a day will help and actually help you lose the right kind of weight.

And finally, because your body wants to drop your metabolism to make sure you can handle the low calorie counts, it breaks down your muscle. Muscle required energy to keep happy so if you have less of it, you require less calories in your day... starvation problem solved.

You don't want to lose just weight, you want to lose body fat and the only real way to make sure you do it is to have a proper workout program designed around fat loss as well as a proper balanced nutrition program. There are ways to eat more and lose weight you just have to know them! Eating clean is the easiest way and the most satisfying for sure... you aren't required to live off of grapefruit or shakes, or any other terrible low calorie food.

Taylor Ryan is the "women's trainer" with her strength training for women site, The Art Of Weight Lifting to give fat burning workouts, muscle toning programs and more to help you hit your fitness and weight loss goals. Get all the help you need, including nutrition to make a healthy lifestyle and not just another failed attempt to get in shape.

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