Friday, November 12, 2010

Shake Weight Review - Can It Deliver?

Review of The Shake Weight as seen on TV.

Infomercials for weight loss and muscle building programs have been around as long as the TV itself. Every now and then a product comes along that really stands out an captures peoples attention, and this is it.

This article is intended to provide you with a quick product review and see if this tinny little piece of fitness equipment is all that claims. I will attempt to answer the following questions for you...

is it for me...

will it help me build strength...

can it help improve muscle definition?

There is no question of the popularity of this product. Due to its huge success the Shake Weight, originally designed and promoted to women, was later introduced to men with a male version. Now with two versions, one for men and one for females. Both are essentially the same, only a few minor differences so this review can apply equally to both.

Resembling a traditional dumbbell the shake weight comes in two different sizes. A 2.5 pound version for women and a 5 pound model for men. What makes this product so special is what they refer to as a new workout technology called dynamic inertia. Not sure how technical or new it is as it kind of reminds me of the Bodyblade. They describe their technology as low level vibration and inertia to train the body. Sound similar, it does to me.

The Shake Weight uses two springs and a small weight to generate dynamic inertia. When moved the weight bounces or vibrates between the two springs to increase muscle activity as compared to the solid construction of a traditional dumbbell that.

Website Claims

increases muscle activity by more than 300% compared to traditional weights
incredible results in just 6 minutes a day
build definition, size and strength in less time
get strong sexy sculpted arms
7 times more effective than a dumbbell
build upper body strength

Product Review

The women's version is $20 and the men's is $30 not sure why the difference but not a bad price. So it get a pass on affordability. So many of the health and fitness products on the market are way overpriced, but I think this is fair in comparison.

Very portable, you can take it anywhere, you do not need much room so you workout anywhere. Again nice thing to have in a piece of fitness equipment.

From what I can tell those are the best two features of this product. I will admit the convince factor is a big plus. Everyone is so busy it is nice to have the option to workout out when you have a free moment and this products allows that.

Lets Look at The Promises

increases muscle activity by more than 300% compared to traditional weights
7 times more effective than a dumbbell

These statements were based on a few test they did. From what I understand the tests were not equal. I have seen reports that they compared their workout to biceps curls. Shaking a weight at different angles and varying speeds is not close to a seated biceps curl. An isolation movement does not involve the same muscles as standing and shaking. Clearly not an equal test. Plus you would never do a biceps curl to help you lose weight.

That renders this statement useless. The study they based their findings on may be different but it is not clearly published so I cannot put any validity to their claim of more muscle activity or more effective.

For guys looking to add muscle mass this product will not do a thing for you. You will feel a burn but it will not come close to doing what a conventional weight program will do. At just 5 pounds you will quickly adapt to this low weight.

incredible results in just 6 minutes a day

This just isn't enough time. You burn about 4 calories a minute walking, not much but the shake weight is more intense than a slow walk.

OK, a slow jog burns about 10 in the same time frame. Still not intense enough to compare to the shake weight.

Well than, how about this...

If you could sprint as fast as a world class sprinter and run the 100m in 10 seconds then maintain that speed for a mile it would take you about 2 and a half minutes and burn 125 calories to cover a mile. If you think the shake weight can compete with that than you will burn about 300 calories in that 6 minute workout.

That still is not many calories, definitely not enough to make a difference that you would notice in a week or two as they claim.

From my research, personal experience and from training individuals I have to say that the shake weight is a scam. It can not live up to it's promises. It will not build muscle, it will not help you lose weight, it will not help you look good naked. You will feel a burn, but shake a soup can for 6 minutes straight and you will fell the same way. Bottom line stay away from this fitness product.

Discover the best way to lose weight and burn fat.

If you are looking to get real results stick with what works. You can't go wrong with a body weight workout if you are looking to burn fat and transform your body.

Exercises to Lose Weight

Visit the link below to give this fat burning body shaping workout a try. You do not need any equipment, and it can be done anywhere in about 30 minutes. Watch the video for exercise descriptions printout the workout, get your favorite music pumping and get a killer fat busting workout in...

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