Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Healthy Ways For Women to Gain Weight Fast

In contrary to weight loss, many women also want to gain weight fast. A hasty metabolism and genetic structure keep things thin and beautiful. Good enough for many especially models and celebrities but in normal life, being skinny and thin can actually make one a pariah of sorts.

It can hamper the overall personality and lead to a loss in confidence. Though one can not fight with ones genes, one can surely take some steps that can actually mitigate the effects of this problem.

The most basic of all these is to increase the intake of calories. A diet with roughly thousand more calories than normal can make a lot of difference. It needs to be done consistently and religiously over a period of time to get the desired results. Calories can be increased by the intake of different types of foods.

Fluid intake can also contribute substantially to set things straight. Instead of plain water women can go for drinks such as shakes, smoothies and stuff. The water content does not get affected by doing this and extra calories are also added to the digestive system.

One can also go for protein supplements to fasten up the process. The thing to remember while doing so is that time should be given to the body to adjust to the same. Protein shakes can actually come in really handy as eating solid food to increase calorie intake can be a trifle too difficult for most women.

There are many calorie dense snacks that are available in the market as of now. Knowledge of such snacks can also help in achieving the desired results. These snacks may be peanuts, butter based. These small packaged foods actually pack a lot of punch in small sizes. Including these in daily diet can make generous difference for women.

Avoid empty calorie foods like noodles and the likes. These fill up the tummy really fast and have little or no effect whatsoever. Going for food stuff that is much more viable to achieve ones targets is very important for gaining weight. Also one can actually amalgamate ones protein powder and drinks that are mentioned above. This can be an easy method to increase protein intake too.

Some women tend to go astray with weight gain supplements that are available in numbers. Unless or until there is a dire need for the same, these should be avoided. A natural and healthy diet is much better way to do the same. I personally know two girls who are underweight and recently while having a chat with them, both acknowledges that they know they are underweight but find it difficult to gain weight.

So let's hope these simple and logical steps are useful to them but also to all the women and girls out there who are really looking to get some bonus KG.

Kurt Avish is a regular author at Island Crisis. You can read more of his daily articles there.

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